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17 July 2014
I liked this story which was told to me by a local New Zealand referee who swore that this is how he tried to get his message across before every (lower grade) game he ever had the privilege to control.
He reckoned he would speak beforehand to both captains, either separately or together, and tell them thus; "Look fellas, you and your teams and I - all 31 of us - on this field today should play this game with one ambition in mind - and that is - to work up a bloody good thirst!"
He reckoned it always worked!
In't it a shame that on principle such a belief can't work at ALL levels of the game?
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The All Blacks and Scotland end at 0-0 - the most recent occasion (up till 2014) that the ABs have had this 'nil/nil' score in a game.
A leading Australian international referee from 1963 to 1971. Perhaps the most significant of the six full tests matches Craig Ferguson controlled were two of the three tests played by the Springboks against Australia in the protest-troubled tour of 1971, games riddled with tension and pressure, played on fields surrounded by police.
The South Africans had already seen Ferguson six years before when he handled the first test between the same two nations at Sydney. The Springboks winced at his penalty count of 17–5 against them in the match, which Australia won by 18–12, including four penalty goals. The South African press was very critical of Ferguson’s refereeing, pointing out that the Wallabies had 17 shots at goal in the game to the Springboks’ three.
During his career, Craig Ferguson controlled 165 Sydney first grade games.
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