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6 August 2014
From an interview Jonah did for the IRB's World of Rugby TV show.
"I didn't realise how much of an impact I had made on the rugby world until I had to go out and buy something in South Africa (during the Rugby World Cup) in 1995. I had to get security at the shopping mall near our hotel to get into the shop that I wanted to go to. Then I had to leave via the back stairwell to get back to my hotel.
And all I wanted to buy was a tube of toothpaste!
My whole life completely changed then. It was never the same after that - and it's still not mine now all these years later."
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The 8-7 victory over France in Auckland was confirmed with a late (and now very famous) Stephen Donald penalty; and the nation which had waited 24 years went wild for Richie McCaw's team.
The nickname for the Italian rugby team. The word translates straight from the Italian word for ‘blue’. The Italian football team originally adopted the nickname but with the rise of a national rugby prominence in Italy the rugby team also has the name attached to it. Both sports teams of Italy wear, of course, azure blue playing strip.
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