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They did it in style too; beating Canada 38-10 to win a Youth Olympic Gold medal in Nanjing China. The victory saw an Olympic rugby gold medal presented for the first time in 90 years!
A friendly and familiar nickname used, particularly in South Africa and New Zealand, for the officers of St John who attend rugby matches as ambulance or medical attendants.
The word ‘zambuk’ (or Zambuck as it is spelt in some places) is of South African derivation. It was the name of a well-known embrocation used by medical attendants in the early years of this century and in the two World Wars. Eventually those who brought it to sick soldiers (and injured army footballers!) were themselves dubbed ‘zam-buks’. The name has stuck though in these days of professional rugby when teams have their own medical staff the Zambuks are mostly seen patrolling and doing their vital work at lower grade club matches.
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